What is the Timberwolves Foundation?

The MVHS Timberwolves Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization that serves to enrich and maintain the highest level of education at Mission Vista High School.  We are a group of parents, staff and community members who volunteer time and efforts to fundraise and solicit grants and corporate sponsorships.  The Foundation’s goal is to raise funds that enhance the high school experience, through resources and tools providing funding to:

  • Support sports teams and boosters
  • Approve various School Grants
    • Academic
    • Classroom / Teacher
    • Site Improvement
    • Arts and Sciences
    • Clubs / Programs
  • Provide Senior Student Scholarships
  • Maintain Community Relationships

How does the Foundation decide what to support?

Every year we offer three grants cycles for interested sport boosters, clubs, teachers, parents, students or school administrators and staff. Our grant committee reviews all submissions and makes recommendations to prior to a full board vote. There is an emphasis on funding requests that will impact the highest number of students and for items that can be enjoyed for multiple years. Visit the Grants Page for more information.

Why am I writing checks to the Timberwolves Foundation from Sports/Clubs?

As the only 501(c)(3) organization recognized at Mission Vista High School, the Timberwolves Foundation supports participating school clubs, sports and organizations in adhering to VUSD money polices. These policies are in place to insulate staff, advisors and coaches from handling funds directly. By providing flexible and transparent financial accounts, the Foundation assists our booster groups to meet their financial responsibilities in a timely manner. Booster account support is just one aspect of how the Timberwolves Foundation works to improve the overall student experience.

How are you different from the MVHS PTSA?

The PTSA  focuses on students and teachers. They hold academic reward luncheons for students, teacher appreciation events and coffees with the principal. They help organize volunteers for AP exams and other events on campus. Visit the MVHS PTSA website to learn more.

The Foundation is a nonprofit fundraising group that helps fill the gaps between student/school/club/team/teacher needs and school funds. We do this by raising money for grants that benefit MVHS and provide scholarships for graduating seniors. The Foundation holds a nonprofit status that encompasses MVHS teams and clubs fundraising. This also includes check writing and accountability for team/club funds. (Bank of the Boosters).

How can I support?

You can support the Mission Vista High School students by:

How much should I give?

Please make a commitment to our school and give as much as you can. The Timberwolves Foundation appreciates all donations. Every cent makes a difference. Visit the Donation Page.

Are my donations tax-deductible?

Yes. The MVHS Timberwolves Foundation is a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Tax ID# 80-0637777.

How can I get involved as a volunteer?

The Timberwolves Foundation welcomes volunteers. There are many ways to get involved, from helping with a fundraising or community service event to becoming part of the Foundation Board. If you have time to give, please fill out this volunteer form or email info@timberwolvesfoundation.com.

I still have questions, what should I do?

For more information about the Mission Vista Timberwolves Foundation, volunteer opportunities, or how to make a donation, please fill out the Contact Us form or email info@timberwolvesfoundation.com.