How the Timberwolves Foundation helps the students at Mission Vista High School

Your donations…

…give students what they need to thrive and succeed in school.

Your donations help pay for after school buses for PACK Tutoring, field trips, AP Exams financial aid, senior scholarships,

…pay for essential instructional materials for all school departments.

Your donations help pay for essential things like science lab materials, drama, steel drum equipment, Teachers submit grant request for their needs.

…help the athletic uniforms, practice equipment

Your donations help pay for xxx. Coaches submit grant requests for their needs.

…update and modernize school equipment

Your donations help pay for essential things like gym scoreboard, library desks, televisions, speakers, physical education classes

The Mission Vista High School Timberwolves Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Nonprofit, Tax ID#: 80-0637777 making your generous contributions tax deductible. For more information about any of these grants please email or visit the Grants homepage.